Wednesday, November 14, 2018

What’s your take?

My brother asked me: What's your take on this whole "Dr Hooters" thing? Santa Claus now a woman?

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Loved it: Bohemian Rhapsody - and a response to an open letter

Photograph: Allstar/New Regency Pictures
This week I went - twice - to see Bohemian Rhapsody, the Queen biopic mostly about Freddie Mercury. It was simply amazing, the casting was so spot on I had to keep telling myself that it wasn't actually Brian May up on the screen, but an actor (Gwilym Lee, btw).

While most of my friends who have seen it loved it too, I've seen some bad reviews - mostly people complaining about the inaccuracy of the timelines, a bit of hokeyness regarding the 'tour date montage' (agreed), but I don't let the reviews of others get in the way of my enjoyment.

However, there was an 'open letter' recently on the CBC site, written by someone who not only didn't like it, but had concerns. I felt like I wanted to address it.