So what’s been going on since May? Lessee...
- I bought herbs for the deck. Not to cook with, but to frighten away the midges and gnats that seem to have descended upon the city. Newsflash: most of the herbs died, I kinda suck at keeping things alive. I still have parsley and oregano though, but am I using them? No, they're just sitting there. FYI, it actually did work, the bugs don’t like the smell of some of the stuff I was growing, so as long as you go touch the plant to make the smell come out the bugs stay away!
- Had a bit of a meltdown at work, huge argument with my boss, sure I was going to be let go. But then I took vacation days and all was well.
- Why vacation days? Well, I had a very dear friend coming to visit and I wanted to be with them as much as possible, and he came with another friend who is now very dear to me as well. We went to Niagara Falls and up the CN Tower too.
- And why were they coming at the beginning of June? Because of Who Party 14 of course! Yep, we had a convention, it went really well, and I miss everyone tons.
- Saw Camera Obscura again, but didn’t get to see Gav as he had to go home to deal with an emergency (more hugs Gav’s way again), but the show was still excellent. Pleasant surprise: opener Anni Rossi, she was amazing! Bought her latest CD. Had to, it was too good to pass up!
- Xog and I decided to go on walks more often. We started with an accidentally ridiculously long walk down along Leslie Spit and to Cherry Beach, more than 9km - must do that more often, although perhaps not that crazy long!
- Visited J*&P & Mr Pants in KW, great time had by all - parties rock, friends rock more.
- Watched in amazement as celebrities dropped like flies.
- Watched in further amazement as our city’s public workers all went on strike so they could have big raises and get paid out for unused sick days, in this economy, crazy bastards.
- Went to Pride, great day.
- My grandmother passed away. Sort of a surprise and sort of not, she had a long life. Saw relatives I haven’t seen forever, which was mostly nice. Her service was performed by Elvis. Honestly.
- Spent that weekend with my parents, which was nice, we just relaxed and looked through old photo albums. Oh, and I’ve stolen a bunch of them and scanned them, they're slowly going up on my flickr pages.
- Went to a big Italian wedding and reception. I looked fabulous. Oh, so did the bride and groom, I should probably mention that.
- Decided I don’t have enough things distracting me, so I’ve started scrapbooking those old photos. It’s more fun than you might think!
- Had a bunch of reprobates over to my house for a party. All went well, a chair got broken but that was all. A great night.
Really, that’s about it. Now you know.
And you haven’t missed any really deep thoughts, you should know by now that wouldn’t happen...
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