Monday, July 05, 2010

The List - an updated version

Wow, looks like the last time I updated the list was two years ago. Maybe I should revisit!

I’m gonna narrow it down to five I think, in no particular order:

the boys
  • Paul McGann (did you think he’d disappear?)
  • Robert Downey Jr. (yup, still)
  • Johnny Depp (I don’t think he could ever come off the list)
  • Nathan Fillion (delightful Canadian lad)
  • Peter Murphy (I should point out that I’m reinstating Mr Murphy – I had removed him for two reasons, the admitted reason was ‘he’s getting up there, probably too old’ but the real reason, I suspect, was that I just felt it was too stereotypically me to have him on there. But you know what? I don’t care, if you don’t like me as I am then why are you reading this?)

There are more that could be added (the last was 10 people long and could have been longer too) but five is a nice round number.

Yes, I’ve been obsessing over Peter Murphy again the past couple of weeks. This happens every year or so. I can’t help it – all men who are sex on legs always seem to turn out to be unbalanced (Adam Ant? Michael Hutchence?), but he still seems solid. Please don’t tell me if you find something out.

Also, have you seen his makeup for Eclipse? (Yes, the Godfather of Goth has a non-speaking but totally engaging role in it, perfect really.) How is that he’s even sexier with red eyes? Wow. And that voice, so rich… okay, sorry, drooling slightly. Anyway, he’s coming to town in August and I have my ticket (had to miss him last year and haven’t fully forgiven the Boy for having a family member who would dare to get married on the same day) so I’m building up to that.

So the new place is still nameless and a mess. Oh, and Splice? Interesting flick, but I don’t think they quite knew what they wanted to do with it, so I’m not sure if I can recommend it or not...

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