I'm really glad I brought my tea up with me, it's nice to have in the morning. I started having it daily, honestly, because I had a day at work mid-week where I suddenly got really tired. Not just yawning and a bit droopy but I was actually getting twitchy legs (I have a bit of restless leg syndrome, it doesn't happen all the time but, other than this little episode, it has only happened when I've been way past my bedtime). So I decided caffeine was necessary. And David's Tea had just come out with this super cool travel iced tea maker that was so smart I just had to have it (you know I love clever gadgets). And I don't regret it at all, with a few weekend exceptions I've had one every day, sometimes twice (some teas re-steep very well if you just let them steep for longer, especially the fruit infusion-type). I didn't bring too many types but probably more than I needed. Making ice with bottled water too, so everything's good.

I've been taking naps mid-evening every day so I can stay awake for TV/Movie night (which is every night up here). This resulted in me staying up past 7am this morning, oops! Well, when you say ok, one more movie and then you put on the extended version of The Abyss, you're going to be awake longer than expected :) I still got up around noon though, so I'm not a total slug.
Which meant I was awake for a couple of hours before the super strong windstorm we had today took out a 60ft tree in the back property. Heard the cracking, assumed it was a big branch coming down until the damn thing hit the ground, such a crash! Went to check it out - insanely, it didn't hit any of the three outbuildings, nor the tractor, nor the burn barrel - though if the tree had been four feet taller the barrel would have been toast. The trunk looks like it was rotted inside, eaten by termites or ants or something, so it was going down at some point regardless of the weather.
I'm powering through the e-books I loaded on my iPad on this trip - re-read the complete Preacher comics, finished Isaac Asimov's Nine Tomorrows, almost done Stephen King's The Wastelands. Should be starting his Wizard And Glass tomorrow...
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