Thursday, February 04, 2016

Swapping quotes

Noel Murray wrote about Buckaroo Banzai.

"...for a large number of people, much of the fun of being a movie-lover is swapping quotes with like-minded fans. Dropping a Life Of Brian or Big Lebowski reference in the right situation, surrounded by the right people, extends the communal quality of moviegoing outside the confines of a theater."

Perfectly put. Sometimes I listen to myself, to how much of my daily dialogue consists of quotes, and I worry that I don't know how to actually talk to people. And then I think about how the people who really get me respond in kind, and I relax.

Unpleasant surprise

When the on-site worker schedule from the management office clearly states only Tuesday and Wednesday but they really need to be in the whole week, the way to find out is not by waking up to find a strange man in your laundry room.