Yeah, okay, so I suck. I haven’t been posting much, no. Part has been me just generally sucking, but part has also been me being VERY busy.
First, I knew I was going up to Killarney for a week and a half, so there was a lot of preparing at work to do. Really, I feel quite good about my job some days, when I see what kind of work has to be done just to be sure I can go away for a bit. The girl we had come in to cover me was sharp and fun, felt good about leaving stuff with her.
My last day I was wanting to leave around noon. I ended up leaving around 3:30, with no lunch, ’cos there was just too much going on (yep, that’s my job) but I went to the CNE and met up with J*&P and Mr Pants. Got a pretzel dog, some DVDs, damned good pierogies, and just a lot of fun with some of my favourite people.
Then there was Canada’s Wonderland. Yep, T and I went to Wonderland again this year, last minute decision – we had planned to be on our way up to his cottage on Sept 28, but we couldn’t go until the next day anyway so we decided to trek up to the park instead. The Behemoth, by the way, will not disappoint, that first drop is absolutely terrifying! Yes, it’s about the angle and the height of that first drop, but also there’s the fact that there’s nothing across your chest as you go down, no belts, nothing – well, there’s a contraption that holds on to your legs, which is perfectly safe and all coasters should have them, but you feel like you’re gonna die.
So then there was the cottage. The weather was really crappy all morning on our way up, just like most of the summer had been. Rainclouds and such, grey and windy and rainy. But a funny thing happened – the moment we stepped out of the SUV in Killarney, the rain stopped. We got everything into the boat (she’s the Agonde, if there’s any curiosity there) and the wind calmed down. By the time we got to the cottage itself (Mor-On-De-“A” – don’t ask) it was actually clearing up. And so we began a week and a half of AMAZING weather, the best weather of the entire summer! Lazy days of doing puzzle books and crocheting, attempting to read Tristram Shandy (I’ve given up), practising my Tarot, taking pix of the flora/fauna and watching DVDs with T (oh, don’t forget the copious amounts of alcohol, please) made for, I think, our best trip yet. No swimming this time, but I don’t feel I missed out.
I’m pondering going to Chicago Tardis in November. Not like I can afford it, but I’m still tempted. What do you think?
Anyway, what else? Oh, I’ve addicted my coworker to Torchwood by showing her Children Of Earth. Wasn’t difficult really, but I admit to being surprised that she liked it – I mean, it was amazing, yes, but I didn’t think it was something she’d appreciate. Doesn’t hurt that Captain Jack is lovely on the eyes, of course.
T and I went to see Whiteout. While the dialogue is not very strong – downright weak in places – I enjoyed the story itself. If you take away the setting, it’s a pretty straightforward whodunnit. Nice.
The Clothing Show. Well, I had told myself that I would not be buying any clothes for the month of September, you know, just to see if I could do it, but I’d allow myself to for a special circumstance. I’m proud to say I met my personal challenge – because The Clothing Show constitutes a special circumstance! I bought a dress, a jumper and a coat, plus a homemade lip balm made right in front of me. I look fabulous in all of it. So there.
What else? Oh, Tavern was this week, and it was really good, huge turnout, yay!
So tonight is Nuit Blanche. Louis CK is playing tonight as well, and that’s what I’m looking forward to – I’ll stop at some Nuit Blanche stuff if it appeals, but that’s it – too disappointed in previous years to make a special trip out.
I’ll keep you posted!
...Oh, and I think the quote at the bottom of the page has been there long enough, so I’m replacing it. For posterity’s sake, though, here’s what it was before:
“The very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common. They don't alter their views to fit the facts. They alter the facts to fit their views, which can be very uncomfortable if you happen to be one of the facts that need altering.” – the 4th Doctor (Face Of Evil)
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